New Octopress Blog...

I created this blog specifically to jot down notes of interesting / useful / meaningful stuff I find during my adventures with development, which I hope are useful to others.

And to start with, here is a link to a post that really helped me out Octopress: Setting up a Blog and Contributing to an Existing One. It wasn’t really clear to me from Octopress instructions that I had to run rake generate and rake deploy; I was just trying to make the git commits and push by hand (and becoming really frustrated by it). So, just for my own reference:

 # do stuff in your blog, like rake new_post
    # then generate the blog
    rake generate
    # then save the source branch and push it to Github
    git add .
    git commit -m "whatever message"
    git push origin source
    # and now, this is where the magic happens! this takes care
    # of pushing everything automagically onto the master branch!
    rake deploy

(depending on your system, you might need to run bundle exec followed by the rake commands).

Oh, and also… to delete a post, delete it only from

and then run the commands above again. The rake tasks from Octopress take care of everything.

This cool minimalistic theme is from, and it’s called Slash.


So far I’m really enjoying Octopress – I chose it because I want to be able to do everything from the shell, and never leave my dev environment and my beloved ST2/emacs combination.
